Samstag, 25. August 2012

Trouble in the Gaza Camp? Reports claim Kartel want Tommy Lee out

There may be some trouble brewing in the Gaza once again. This time the controversy apparently surrounds the embattled figure of Vybz Kartel and the red hot artiste Tommy Lee who has rocketed to fame in recent months as Kartel's most trusted protege.

The two have always been said to be pretty close but reports are that their association has hit a major speed bump.

A text which was said to have been sent through Vanessa 'Gaza Slim' Saddler to journalist Anthony Miller of the popular entertainment programme, ER, is said to be a clear indicator of the issues between the two.

The text is reported to have questioned the loyalty of the remaining members of his clique, an interesting development given the fact that Kartel himself disbanded the Portmore Empire over two months ago.

"No animosity but within a week of my arrest, they started giving other people managerial and booking positions. But where were these people when I was building their careers? When I was investing time and money to transform them from nobody to somebody? They are opportunists and fake," the text stated

It went on to state that: "The only two loyal people are Slim and Sheba (the girls)".

Information reach THE WEEKEND STAR is that Tommy Lee was interviewed by Anthony Miller regarding the text which would appear to question his loyalty. It is understood that the deejay however made it clear that he will not be leaving the Gaza anytime soon, no matter what was stated about his loyalty.

"Mi born Gaza, mi live Gaza and mi ah go die Gaza," he reportedly said during the taped interview which is expected to be aired tonight on TVJ.

(from Jamaica Star)

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