Still, as he spoke about the ordeal, the relief of having the stress of the last six months behind him, he looked hopeful, eager even to resume his life and career. He even mentioned how he saw people including immigration officers cry when he returned home and how that encouraged him.
Sporting a New York Yankees baseball cap which shadowed his face, a grey designer T-shirt with blue trim at the neck and sleeves, blue jeans and black loafers, he was reflective as he recapped the series of events that put his life under the public microscope like he never wanted. "It was just so stressful, this happening to me when I least expected. I was just coming off a tour, just dropped an album, but as dem say, tings come around come haunt you but at the end of the day it wasn't a drug conviction. The first part of the last six months was the devastating part, but now is just the redemption. This was the worst best thing that ever happened to me."
10-year cycle
While not going into detail, he recalls the circumstances that led to the charges and why he chose to flee to Jamaica. "I have been a prisoner in my own mind for over a decade," he said as he went back in time. "January 12, 2002 there was an alleged conspiracy to distribute narcotics charge. That was just the only charge there. I didn't have narcotics or anything in my possession, it was someone who called my phone and they tapped the phone and listened to the conversation. So I got bailed and the judge read through the transcript and saw that I had nothing to do with that. At the time I had a public defender and I didn't feel like my best interests were being represented so my mother saved up and had someone sort out a personal attorney," he said.
According to Gordon, as far as he was concerned, he was innocent and he just wanted to get the case out of the way so he could get on with his life. In September that year, there was to be a pre-trial hearing, he recalls, but on the day before, his lawyer met him at the hotel he was staying with news that he didn't want to hear. "He presented me with a plea bargain; saying boy, this is the Feds and everything and you ain't gonna win this so the best I can do is present you with this plea to five to seven years," he said. "Just plead guilty and take five to seven. My life, mi cyaan do dat, mi naa tek dis 'cause mi no guilty. How can I help myself in a country that is not my country?"
The attorney, he said, told him his only other option, if he fought the charges, was to spend many years behind bars and that scared him. He said he asked for a little time to think about the plea bargain offer but it didn't take him long to decide what he felt he had to do. "It's the first I was encountering this kind of thing and they are forcing me to sign my life away. Mi can't do that, who can I turn to; nobody. Mi a go back a di country wey me born. So I came back to Jamaica, never approached the USA. I came back to Jamaica and became an artiste. Prior to all of this I was delivering furniture as a Rent-A-Centre clerk and on the weekend play sound as a disc jockey and I paid my taxes."
Not talkative
He reckons that a few of the people who he worked with knew of his troubles but at the end of the day, the dread of being tracked down by the US government was very real. "The US is the US. The US found Bin Laden, the US went for Saddam. I am an artiste. I am on Youtube and everywhere I am booked is on the Internet, you know you can find me at the click of a button so in a way I was doing the work, I wasn't really hiding I was expecting it because I had to take planes I had to go places."
He is philosophical about what running away from the United States really meant for him. The fact that he was young and that he was running from what he believed to be a mistake being made by the US authorities, a mistake that would have seen him give up a huge chunk of his life to spending time behind bars. "Me coming back to Jamaica birthed Busy Signal," he said. "If I had not left, there never would be a Busy Signal if I had signed that plea bargain knowing that I wasn't guilty."
When he was first extradited, Busy said he was fearful because it meant that his means of making a living had been taken away and he would no longer be able to provide for his family. He would also have to invest a significant part of his savings into hiring good lawyers to take on the might of the United States government. K.D. Knight and US attorney Bill Mauzy were the men who battled for him.
Busy, describes Knight as the 'real, real, big man' whom he said understood the case and guided him to the right strategy that eventually led to his freedom. He also expressed deep respect and gratitude to Mauzy whose initiatives also aided his cause. In the days leading up to his sentencing on the charges of absconding, Mauzy travelled to Jamaica and filmed interviews with Jamaican entertainers like reggae icon Marcia Griffiths, Busy's pastor, and teachers of a high school in Brown's Town, St Ann to which he donated computers. Mauzy also acquired footage of Busy giving talks to school children about abstinence from sex and HIV awareness as well as him performing before huge crowds in Gambia. The footage became a 47-minute testimonial of Busy Signal's life over the past decade. That testimonial plus the court's own investigations into his life combined to impress judge Donovan Frank.
"This was a life experience for me and an eye opener saying stay on the track that you are on because you're doing good, because all of my records came up in court. All of my deeds came up in court. They even checked if I owe no promoter money. They even checked if I miss a flight as an artiste. I have never missed a flight as an artiste. I have never been arrested prior to the initial charge or after the initial charge," he said. "And God blessed me with a good judge, who looked into it and understand it."
Help and support
He plans to use the experience as material for songs that he will be releasing in the days, weeks and months ahead. "It will definitely give me inspiration for songs. It's not like I am going to sit here and throw things in the face of the US. I am going to do things more uplifting. Talk seh God help me through this, talk seh my lawyers Bill Mauzy and K.D. Knight help me through this, talk seh my record that was good and clean help me through this, talk seh my deeds help me through this, throughout the music, throughout the 10 years, the mental prison I was in for more than a decade, and at the end of the day here it is now, the mystery became a history," he said.
It will be two years before he will be able to apply for a permit to work in the United States, but that will not take away from the fact that he is now able to spend time with his family, "touch the faces of my daughters" and move on with his life.
(from Jamaica Gleaner)
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