Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

Usain Bolt Says Gaza For Life, Defends Tommy Lee Use Of Demon Slangs

While most other fans and celebrities are criticizing Tommy Lee for his excessive use of “demon slangs” in his music, one high profile gaza supporter is coming to his defense.

The world fastest man, Usain Bolt, not only says gaza for life, but he also says there is nothing wrong with Tommy Lee branding himself as a demon.

“Everybody knows that I am a gaza fan,”

Usain Bolt told: “I think what these guys are doing now, all these demon things is just a promotion of themselves, i don’t think they are really into it, its just a promotion because people like it so they keep doing it. I don’t have any problem and I will always be a gaza fan to the end.”

Well you hear it from the sprint legend himself. Several other fans also weighs in on the latest big topic in dancehall.


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