Bermudian promoter Kevin Smith is aiming to curb crime and violence in the region through a series of concerts in different Caribbean countries. Titled Stop the Violence, Stop the Crime, the Jamaican leg will involve some of the country's most hardcore performers advocating for peace.
"To me, violence and crime is all over the world, and because I want to see change I decided to host this concert. Plus, I have an artiste, Hype Type, from Bermuda, and one from Canada, Eysus. I want to get some recognition in Jamaica," Smith said.
According to the promoter, his ultimate intention is to curb the spread of violence through music. "This Stop the Violence movement will take the shape of a tour right across the Caribbean. We are trying to curb a society that may feel lost, so we are starting in Jamaica. Not saying that Jamaica is the most violent, but Jamaica is the boiling point for reggae music and has a real audience to expose the artistes and spread peace," he said.

"Hype Type is from Bull Bay and he feels the urge to put something positive in that community. Bermuda is also suffering from gun violence, so we will definitely go back there too," Smith said.
The promoter said the show is receiving overwhelming attention from potential patrons. "To the size of the show and the audience we are expecting, we have to make it happen any way possible, and we are looking into extending the venue to the beach to accommodate more people," he said.
"Patrons should turn out because we are educating people and giving them information on what to do if they are being abused. We will be giving out books, pens, cups and other incentives. People should not only support because of the high-calibre artistes who will perform, but because of the meaning, and when you have a cup or a pen that says Stop the Violence, that will always be a constant reminder. On the flyer, we have the image of jail cell, and that is important because that is where people will end up if they don't stop the violence."
Smith has also partnered with Rasta Connection and the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse.
"The Child Development Agency is also on board. They will give us pamphlets to hand out on the night. We are using music to bring positive messages across. Tommy Lee Sparta is one of the headliners and people tend to think his messages are violent, but this event will show a different side to him," added Theresa Smalls, the Stop the Violence Stop the Crime campaign publicist.
Music will be played by DJ Kurt Riley, DJ Log On, SJ Weed Seed, SJ Peanut and DJ Richie. Tickets can be purchased at D&E Wholesale, Seven Miles, Parchment Grocery Store, Seven Miles, and SM Tech at Harbour Plaza in Harbour View. There will be VIP and regular parking areas, both manned by security personnel.
"Come early. Gates will be open at 6 p.m. and the stage show will start at 9 p.m. If you are early, you will get a chance to win prizes, and we will be giving away a laptop on the night," Smith concluded.
(from Jamaica Gleaner)
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