Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

Contractor: a key ingredient to Downsound's success!

Since he became the marketing director for Downsound Records, Anthony Edwards has been like a revelation to the ever-growing music company.

It was just 11 months when Edwards, more commonly called Contractor, booked Downsound Records' CEO Joseph Bogdanovich as guest judge on Magnum Kings and Queens. There, Bogdanovich met Scatta Burrell, one of the show's resident judges, and the rest was history.
Burrell has quarterbacked the production of Downsound since and helped mastermind the release of several hits under the label. While doing this, Contractor continues to do his invaluable marketing work.

Their efforts have reaped both local and international success so far for singles such as Pretty Wine and Greenlight by Khago; World Peace and Trying Man by fast-rising reggae artiste Nature; and the recent hit collaboration For Love, which features Specialist and the beautiful Ishawna.

Khago has just returned from several shows in the USA while Specialist and Downsound selector Foota Hype did a few shows in New York. Nature also went to New Jersey recently to do a few recordings.

Recently, Nature was featured on Choice FM and the Natty B Show in London, England, which aired Sunday last. The marketing guru was also on BET Centric and Splash recently talking about the successes of Downsound Records.

Bogdanovich was also featured in the Miami Herald on September 11 in an article titled 'Jamaica sounds alarm over its music'. The article focused on the current state of dancehall.

The upcoming Heroes weekend will be busy for the Downsound artistes who will be performing at the Ocho Rios Seafood Festival and the Tipsy event. The label is also getting ready to release the music videos for Nature's Trying Man, Khago's Pretty Wine, and Specialist and Ishawna's For Love.

(from Jamaica Star)

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