Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

Mavado's assault trial delayed

The self-proclaimed 'Gully God' is charged with assault occasioning bodily harm arising from an incident at a nightclub last year.

The incident reportedly left a member of his entourage dead and a policeman injured.

On the last occasion, a warrant was ordered and stayed until Thursday, as the deejay was overseas and unable to return for trial.

The warrant was vacated and the matter set for February 12 after attorney-at-law Peter Champagne indicated to the court that he was engaged in a jury matter in the Supreme Court.

Allegations are that on June 13, about 4 a.m., the complainant, who was a patron at the Quad Nightclub in New Kingston, was involved in a tussle with the entertainer and members of his entourage, which ended with the member of the entourage being shot.

It is alleged that the complainant was standing in the lobby of the nightclub when a group of about 20 men approached him and attempted to enter the building.

It is alleged that Brooks, who was part of the group of men, stepped on the complainant's foot while he was passing him.

It is further alleged that the complainant spoke to Brooks about what happened, but Brooks allegedly used his right hand and hit him on the left side of his face saying," ... a who you a deal wid?"

Attack continued

The complainant reportedly attempted to defend himself, but was pounced on by about 20 men from the entourage who hit him all over his body. It was revealed that the complainant identified himself as a policeman, but the attack continued nonetheless.

It is further reported that the complainant, who was armed with his service firearm in his waistband, had to prevent a member of the entourage from disarming him, as the man reached towards his waist in an attempt to take the weapon.

In the process, a loud explosion was heard and a member of the entourage then pulled away Brooks from the complainant.

It was later revealed that one of the men from the group who had aided in the alleged attack on the complainant was shot.

The injured man died days later in hospital.

(from Jamaica Star)

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