Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

Sizzla keeps giving his best

Behind The Screen performance leaves audience in awe
Fresh off a superb performance where he stole the show at the Arthur Guinness Celebrations, Sizzla Kalonji's performance at Usain Bolt's Tracks and Records Behind The Screen series, spoke volumes about his reviving career.

There was hardly enough standing room left, when the Judgement Yard leader took to the stage.
Audience members failed to notice how cramped for room they were as they remained fixated to Sizzla's every move, every utterance.

Backed by his Fire House band, Kalonji delved into songs such as Show Us The Way, Holding Firm and Words of Divine.

After a brief hiatus from the music due to injuries sustained in an accident, there was no denying that Sizzla Kalonji was back in top form.

Did not disappoint

With more than 65 albums in his repertoire, Sizzla had more than enough ammunition to please his diverse fan base, and, as expected, he did not disappoint.

Audience members could hardly contain their excitement, making it difficult to hear Sizzla's set at times.

His energetic performance was true to form and every song he performed incited a frenzy among audience members.

Songs such as Rise to the Occasion, Dry Cry and Solid as a Rock elicited some of the night's biggest audience responses.

As is his wont, Sizzla made sure to pay tribute to all mothers, a part of his set that always goes down well with his audiences.

"Respect to all mothers. If you respect you Madda, say Mama," Sizzla said to the audience, who in turn began shouting 'Mama'.

He then went straight into one of his more recent singles A Me Madda Mek Me Deh Ya So before segueing into his smash single Thank You Mama.

Sizzla also used this medium to introduce two of Judgement Yard's up-and-coming artistes. Although both artistes received a good response from the crowd, it was a freestyle by Sizzla that brought the house down.

Other songs such as She's Loving, Give Me a Try and Yes You've Got to be Strong also received favourable responses from the audience.

Even after jumping up and down for most of the night, the audience members would not tire of the high-energy performance being thrown down from the master deejay. Sizzla continued to blaze through his set with songs such as Woman I Need You, and Praise Ye Jah.

Sizzla topped off a superb performance by thanking the audience for its support. He then slowed the pace by closing with Take Myself Away.
(from Jamaica Gleaner)

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