Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

Warrior King to release fourth album

Reggae artiste Warrior King is set to release his fourth music album, but the veteran act has revealed he is far from pleased with the state of Jamaican music nowadays.

No final date has been set for the album, which boasts 18 tracks with a bonus single titled Colour Is An Issue, produced by Famshouse Records.

The Virtuous Woman chanter is confident that the album, which is being produced mainly by Collin 'Bulby' York's Fat Eyes music label, will achieve the successes which his previous albums acheived.
The album also features Warrior King's new and smashing single Stand Up In The Fire, which One Blood Carl and Calibub produced.

"This is a very special album to me because of the work, time, and energy I have been investing in it. I believe this album will see the same success, or even more, that my previous albums have had," Warrior King said.

But while he hopes to reap as much success from his latest offering, Warrior King, real name Mark Dyer, said he is very concerned about the state of Jamaican music and the direction in which it is heading.

"It (music) needs to be more structured. The youths must stop hustle the music and sing more constructive lyrics. The lyrical content has decayed and I never thought that I would hear these types of music today being played," he said.

Warrior King, who has toured extensively throughout his career, said most of the artistes who crave the spotlight locally and have sacrificed good music for popularity are never usually relevant on the international market as the need for good music precedes notoriety.

"How long will this (the popularity) last? Even if I won't be around years to come, my music will still be because people are hungry for good music. Why do you think the veteran artistes are so sought after internationally? Because the nowadays music have no substance," he said. "Every music has its place, but I am an advocate of positive lyrics. If you poison the youths, there will be no future."

In the coming weeks, the easy-going Reggae chanter will be doing some shows in California, where he will be promoting his album. He will also be performing at a reggae festival in North Carolina.
He said music was still a strong force internationally, but urged everyone to make a collective effort to help make it a formidable force.

"Everybody must come together and realise what we have. Teach the youths right from wrong and help spread the love of music more," he said.

(from Jamaica Star)

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